Clothed like a flower.
Please be clothed as a flower
Peaceful, unwavering, impressed with right colorful ideas
Worried for nothing
Thorns to bite those who dare pluck in spite
Red as in love not anger
Purple as in glory not pride
Green as in bountiful
Brown as in humble not dirty
Grey as in respectful not overly compromising
Black as in night without despair
To be clothed as a flower is to have all the joy and little regret
You are to have light in the shade
Hope in all that is worrisome.
You already live as petals.
Drag soul along.
As you wake, bloom.
Bees and blight visit
Droughts arise predicting doom
Situation, circumstance, too much work, too little ethic
May bring you gloom.
Still live as a flower in all that you do.
Work. Not for worry but for work.
Sleep. Not for shame but for success.
Bloom. Not for bad but for better.
Root. Not for wrong but for rise
Rise right and move.
Sunrise comes soon
waiting to meet all three boons
as flowers in commune
with a purposeful tune.
Soul, Spirit, Body,
A meadow of you.
©2020 by Ayo Okikiolu.
This was inspired by the idea that humans are made up of spirit. soul, and body.