Fragile hearts.

jump out of a plane
transverse, frontal, and sagittal
Life appears as a free-fall
even for the gracious and underhand,
despite that they both possess
the most fragile hearts
Contrary to what some believe
humans are not only strong
people-proud, machines-meek
Shattered pieces remain on the floor
the repair-man, not out of reach?
shut the door and pop-a-Coors
dull the pain with rum-a-la-peach
free fall.
Life with splattered blood and guts, bladder and gall.
©2020 by Ayo Okikiolu.
I wrote while at University to capture the depth of the human heart. Oftentimes, I'd heard about how strong we are... We certainly can be strong, I admit, but there are times when we feel weak and shattered, I wrote this to describe this feeling. Everyone has felt this way before.