I am sat in the audience
while someone does my eulogy.
Mother? Father? Brother? Child?
I hope it is a friend.
Grand paean or minor psalm?
What is the manner of my passing and when?
Served with fans or an audience of five?
Which is better? Does it matter?
Death may be law, certain,
but I stand with the assembly
as hymns are sung, a stranger to myself.
Life abounds.
Do I feel the tears of loss
flood the service space;
Shall I inhale the joyful fragrance
of wonderful reminiscence and hope;
Can I see the unmoving expressions
of indifference;
Will I hear the cacaphonic harmony
of relief?
Whatever shall be surely will, as clichéd.
The real question is:
Would there be a panegyric after
or is today where it all ends?